I am ridiculously excited to be nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award, all thanks to the lovely Emma@bookreviews5blog (check out her blog, it’s amazingg)



  • Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the eleven questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate eleven new blogs to receive the award and write them eleven new questions.
  • List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

Emma’s Questions

Why did you start a book blog?

I didn’t actually start this blog solely as a book blog, but my love for books soon became fairly evident, and I couldn’t help myself from doing reviews and tbr’s and occasional challenges!

Which country do you want to visit the most and why?

There are so many countries that I really want to visit, it’s impossible for me to choose one, but some of the top contenders are – Canada- Because it just seems like my kind of place, I don’t know why. UK- because it’s magical and not just because of Harry Potter (although that plays an important role) literally anywhere in Europe (esp France and Switzerland) because they seem so beautiful and full of museums and other awesome stuff, and USA so I can somehow stand a chance of watching Hamilton.

What is your favourite weather to read in?

Rain. Definitely rain. I’ve said this before (in my Rainy Day Reads post) that there is nothing better that getting cosy with a book and a cup of tea and pakodas (look it up) while it pours outside. I get maximum amount of reading done in the monsoons, which is why it’s my favourite season.

What is your favourite food?

Oh god again there is too much to choose from! I think my favourite comfort food is Chinese, and of course Pizza, oh and ice cream, and anything with potato in it (esp fries). Haha I eat a lot. My favourite beverage is definitely tea though.

What is your biggest blogging accomplishment?

This blog is relatively new, and so I don’t have too many accomplishments, I think getting nominated for awards and tagged to do challenges is pretty awesome and I definitely feel accomplished when people comment on stuff or say they like what I’ve written, so yeah I’m very grateful for this community 🙂

What is your favourite book series?

Harry Potter. It will always be a huge part of my life. It’s not just a series for me, it’s what made me fall in love with books and what helped me discover the magic of words. The lessons on love, friendship, life and death conveyed through these books, will stay with me forever.

If you were stranded on a desert Island, what one thing would you take with you?

I’m going to assume there is no network or wtv on this island so having a phone would be useless, in which case I would carry a crate of food and fresh water (because- survival) apart from that if I could I would want a spear (for protection), matches (for fire) a book (for survival again) and some sunblock.

What is your favourite book genre?

Contemporary, and then maybe fantasy.

Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Bookish guilty pleasure? yes lots. My guilty pleasures are sappy romance books which lack any kind of plot. Same goes with movies. You know those rom-coms which are very predictable and just nonsense for most people? yeah I thrive on those.

What is your favourite childhood book?

I didn’t really read much as a child (ie. before harry potter came into my life at age 11) however I did love the Faraway Tree, the Wishing Chair and some other Enid Blyton book about a circus.

If you could be any character from a book, who would you be and why?

Would you judge me if I said Hermione, so that I can marry Ron? No but seriously I would love to be Hermione because she’s kind and smart and badass at the same time. I would also love to be Isabelle Lightwood from MI because she is so fierce and awesome, I just love her.


  1. What’s your favourite part about having a blog?
  2. Reading or writing? And why.
  3. What’s your happiness formula? (eg- bed+book+tea=happiness)
  4. Whats your favourite song?
  5. Which superpower do you desperately need and why?
  6. Which language to you wish you spoke?
  7. Which book to show/movie adaptation is your favourite?
  8. What is your Patronus on Pottermore? (or your spirit animal if you aren’t a potterhead)
  9. What social cause do you feel the strongest about? (eg- lgbtq+ rights, animal rights etc.)
  10. What book made you cry the most?
  11. Favourite fictional book couple (OTP basically)



Eloise is Reading

Shan’s Bookshelf

The Calico Books

Becca and Books

Reading Every Night

Folded Between Pages

Stephanie Cassidy Blog

Parisian Bookshelf

Freadom Library

Nut Free Nerd

Can’t wait to read everyone’s answers!

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Thanks so much for the tag! I’m looking forwards to answering your questions for this one as well because they look really fun.
    Also I really enjoyed reading your answers as well. I would love to take the place of either Isabelle Lightwood or Hermione, both of them have such interesting lives, certainly more interesting than mine! 😀
    I love Harry Potter too, and I also love how practical your answer for what you would have if you were stranded on a desert island was. You’ll definitely be surviving that castaway experience!
    Thanks again for the tag! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heyy, no problem! I love your blog, and can’t wait to read your answers! ❤ So glad you liked mine 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much, honestly I can’t wait to get started on this one. I do love writing tag and award posts, makes a change from reviews every now and again! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for nominating me! I’m looking forward to answering your questions.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love reading your answers! I love a good contemporary and fantasy. Same, I love reading books with cheesy plots and cliche characters- it’s a guilty pleasure but I love it. I want to visit the UK one day too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heyy, we have a lot in common! ❤


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